Digital Space, Public Space
StraLi and CILD Lead the Fight Against Arbitrary Restrictions on Freedom of Expression on Social Media
Social media platforms have long been the last frontier for freedom of expression. Regulating these spaces, which remain entirely under the control of large corporations, presents significant challenges.
In the absence of appropriate legislation, conflicts between freedom of expression and issues like hate speech, violence, fake news, or discrimination on social platforms are often resolved by the platforms themselves. This makes them the ultimate arbiters of content, acting as judge, jury, and executioner.
The arbitrary and inconsistent ways in which social networks frequently suspend or remove posts, profiles, and other content effectively curtail public debate on “uncomfortable” topics. Addressing this new front in the battle for freedom of expression, and tackling the lack of legitimacy and transparency in how social media companies operate, is a cause that StraLi and CILD have already taken up.
StraLi and CILD have played an active role in defending freedom of speech by addressing account suspensions or deletions across various social platforms due to alleged violations of internal policies. Through their efforts, they have raised awareness on their own platforms, provided assistance to activists and legal professionals, and successfully advocated for the restoration of unlawfully removed content and pages. These actions have safeguarded individuals’ right to freedom of speech within the realm of social media.
The successes achieved in defending freedom of expression in these new digital public spaces inspire us to persist in challenging the arbitrary decisions of social networks. Too often, these companies determine which topics may be freely debated and which, though perfectly legitimate, are silenced and consigned to oblivion.