Lo Strale



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The proposed Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) is a massive step forward in the protection and responsible use of AI in the EU. Considering that AI systems are increasingly being used in all areas of our day to day lives, it is of crucial importance that the AIA properly addresses the societal, economic and structural impacts of the use of AI. Moreover, it must ensure that the use of AI is future-proof and prioritises the protection of fundamental rights.

We must always remember that AI systems drastically intensify structural imbalances of power. This harm usually falls on those most vulnerable and marginalised in our society. It is for this very important reason that StraLI, along with various other civil society organisations, sets out a call by way of this civil society statement, towards an AIA that has the protection of fundamental rights at its core. Vital recommendations are outlined to guide the European Parliament and Council in amending the European Commission’s proposal.

StraLi and the other undersigned organisations call on EU institutions and EU member state governments to ensure that the future AIA realises the following 9 essential goals:

1. A consistent updating approach to the risks of AI systems as technology develops

2. Complete prohibitions on all AI systems that pose an unacceptable risk to fundamental rights

3. Obligations on the users of high-risk AI systems to simplify accountability to those impacted by AI systems

4. Consistent and meaningful public transparency

5. Significant rights and remedies for those impacted by AI systems

6. Accessibility throughout the AI life-cycle

7. Sustainability and environmental protections (especially with regards to the development of AI systems in a resource-friendly way!)

8. Improved and future-proof standards for AI systems

9. A genuinely comprehensive AIA that works for everyone, especially those most vulnerable and marginalised.

Read & share the full statement drafted by European Digital Rights (EDRi), Access Now, Panoptykon Foundation, epicenter.works, AlgorithmWatch, European Disability Forum (EDF), Bits of Freedom, Fair Trials, PICUM, and ANEC and signed by 114 fellow civil society organisation here: https://edri.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Political-statement-on-AI-Act.pdf

And find more information about the AIA from our partner organisation here: https://edri.org/our-work/civil-society-calls-on-the-eu-to-put-fundamental-rights-first-in-the-ai-act/

A cura di Mignon van der Westhuizen

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